Announcing Log::Sprintf and Log::Structured
I just released Log::Sprintf and Log::Structured to CPAN. They are both very simple modules, but they allow some powerful stuff.
Log::Sprintf will convert a hashref into a string given a specification almost conformant to Log::log4perl’s log specs. The example from the SYNOPSIS is as follows:
my $log_formatter = Log::Sprintf->new({
category => 'DeployMethod',
format => '[%L]\[%p]\[%c] %m',
line => 123,
package => 'foo',
priority => 'trace',
message => 'starting connect',
Also it was made with subclassing in mind from the start, so it is easy to add more flags as needed.
Log::Structured is a more generic tool but arguably more powerful. All it does is generate a “simple” (easily serializable) data structure and call a coderef that you give it with the data structure. What I hope to do with that is log to standard error using Log::Sprintf, but then log to a file using newline separated JSON documents. That means I can parse the log file DEAD easily and do what I want with it. Here’s the SYNOPSIS (after Log::Sprintf-ification) for that:
use Log::Structured;
use Log::Sprintf;
my $formatter = Log::Sprintf->new({ format => "[%d]\[%F:%L]\[%p]\[%c] %m" });
my $structured_log = Log::Structured->new({
category => 'Web Server',
log_category => 1,
priority => 'trace',
log_priority => 1,
log_file => 1,
log_line => 1,
log_date => 1,
log_event_listeners => [sub {
warn $formatter->sprintf($_[1])
}, sub {
open my $fh, '>>', 'log';
print {$fh} encode_json($_[1]) . "\n";
$structured_log->log_event({ message => 'Starting web server' });
message => 'Oh no! The database melted!',
priority => 'fatal',
category => 'Core',
Anyway, hope you find a handy use for these!
Posted Wed, Dec 8, 2010If you're interested in being notified when new posts are published, you can subscribe here; you'll get an email once a week at the most.