Busting the Cloudflare Cache
I automated blowing the cache for this blog. Read on to see how I did it.
I currently have complex but reliable and cheap infrastructure for this blog.
All of the content is stored in S3, then hosted publicly via CloudFront (almost
solely to publish /foo/index.html
as /foo/
), and then cached via Cloudflare.
It’s cheap (typically less than 25ยข per month) and I haven’t need to modify it
after I set it up.
On the other hand, because Cloudflare is a cache, it means that sometimes I’ll modify a page and it’ll be days before the new version is shown to users. On top of that, if I accidentally link to a page before it’s published, Cloudflare may cache the 404. Huge hassle.
I recently noticed that Cloudflare actually lets you selectively clear the cache; I decided I’d automate doing that every time I publish. It was pretty straightforward.
I publish this blog via s3cmd
(currently), since it can avoid copying a file
if the md5sum hasn’t changed.s3cmd
prints various output as it’s copying the
files, including the full path to the document within s3. I added a tee(1)
log the s3cmd
output, built a tool that would read that log and do the cache
busting, and finally, after that exits zero, remove the logfile.
Here’s the snippet from the Makefile that orchestrates all of those steps:
push: build
git push --quiet
cd public && s3cmd sync --delete-removed --disable-multipart --no-preserve /pwd/ s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com | tee $(log) && set-redirects && . ~/.cf-token && busted-urls $(log) && rm $(log)
Here’s an example of the output:
WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.
/pwd/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/index.html [1 of 23]
29459 of 29459 100% in 0s 100.66 kB/s done
/pwd/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/index.xml [2 of 23]
15475 of 15475 100% in 0s 59.51 kB/s done
/pwd/page/10/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/10/index.html [3 of 23]
10866 of 10866 100% in 0s 38.82 kB/s done
/pwd/page/2/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/2/index.html [4 of 23]
34683 of 34683 100% in 0s 131.56 kB/s done
/pwd/page/3/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/3/index.html [5 of 23]
40086 of 40086 100% in 0s 147.99 kB/s done
/pwd/page/4/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/4/index.html [6 of 23]
42420 of 42420 100% in 0s 143.22 kB/s done
/pwd/page/5/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/5/index.html [7 of 23]
42412 of 42412 100% in 0s 128.24 kB/s done
/pwd/page/6/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/6/index.html [8 of 23]
40512 of 40512 100% in 0s 126.37 kB/s done
/pwd/page/7/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/7/index.html [9 of 23]
40142 of 40142 100% in 0s 134.06 kB/s done
/pwd/page/8/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/8/index.html [10 of 23]
35460 of 35460 100% in 0s 141.06 kB/s done
/pwd/page/9/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/page/9/index.html [11 of 23]
38056 of 38056 100% in 0s 148.57 kB/s done
/pwd/posts/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/posts/index.html [12 of 23]
60595 of 60595 100% in 0s 163.80 kB/s done
/pwd/posts/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/posts/index.xml [13 of 23]
357632 of 357632 100% in 0s 797.63 kB/s done
/pwd/posts/learning-day-1-golang/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/posts/learning-day-1-golang/index.html [14 of 23]
10365 of 10365 100% in 0s 42.00 kB/s done
/pwd/sitemap.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/sitemap.xml [15 of 23]
134369 of 134369 100% in 0s 389.41 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/golang/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/golang/index.html [16 of 23]
5845 of 5845 100% in 0s 22.23 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/golang/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/golang/index.xml [17 of 23]
14273 of 14273 100% in 0s 55.81 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/index.html [18 of 23]
27017 of 27017 100% in 0s 94.42 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/index.xml [19 of 23]
115544 of 115544 100% in 0s 355.71 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/learning-day/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/learning-day/index.html [20 of 23]
3411 of 3411 100% in 0s 14.21 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/learning-day/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/learning-day/index.xml [21 of 23]
1105 of 1105 100% in 0s 3.32 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/meta/index.html -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/meta/index.html [22 of 23]
5522 of 5522 100% in 0s 17.07 kB/s done
/pwd/tags/meta/index.xml -> s3://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/tags/meta/index.xml [23 of 23]
15386 of 15386 100% in 0s 55.09 kB/s done
Done. Uploaded 1120635 bytes in 6.7 seconds, 163.41 kB/s
For my busted-urls script I first wrote some perl that could take that input and call a subroutine with a list of urls (the 30 thing is because you can only purge 30 urls at a time):
my @a;
while (<>) {
next unless m(s3://(\S+));
$_ = $1;
push @a, "https://$_";
if (@a == 30) {
@a = ();
purge(\@a) if @a;
Next I wrote the purge
sub purge {
my ($urls) = @_;
warn "purging @$urls\n";
my $resp = $ua->request(
POST => "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone_id/purge_cache", {
content => encode_json({ files => $urls}),
unless ($resp->{success}) {
warn "$resp->{status} $resp->{reason}\n";
print "$resp->{content}\n";
exit 1;
Testing this was obnoxious and involved me making simple changes to old posts till I got every little bit reliable, but that only took about thirty minutes.
The upshot of all of this is that I can be a little more relaxed about publishing, since I can actually fix errors. I used to read my posts very carefully for (inevitable) typos to avoid the embarassment of posts that have mistakes I can’t even fix after receiving a suggested correction.
Furthermore, I used to tune my cache such that posts were cached for eight days and everything else (rss feed, index, etc) was cached for one day, to allow people to see new posts. Now that I blow the cache for just the changed stuff, I cranked the cache all the way up to a month for everything. We’ll see if that helps; I’m already serving over 75% of requests and 80% of bytes from the cache as is.
(The following includes affiliate links.)
Perl is definitely not fashionable these days. On the other hand fashion has
nothing to do with quality or fitness for purpose. Functional programming is
much more popular these days than when I first learned to program. If you want
a great functional programming book, I highly recommend
Higher-Order Perl.
It’s using Perl, which is offensive to modern palates, but is definitely sweeter,
syntactically speaking, than lisp. Give it a shot.
One of the best novels I’ve read recently was
The Terror.
It’s historical fiction about some men who explored the arctic and ran into a
ton of problems. I’d say it’s 70% true; if you read it, I’ll know the other
30%. I liked this book so much that I intend to read much of the books the
author read as research.
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