
Yesterday Ovid posted this little snippet to get his top 10 used commands.

I had to modify it a little for my zsh settings:

valium [4030] ~acd % history -n 1 | awk {'print $1'} | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -rn | head
   1336 svn
    419 perl
    301 git
    245 rm
    233 cd
    179 vi
    151 ack
     67 sudo
     62 cpan
     61 mv

I’m sure that my home computer would have the git and svn switched. I’ll update this post with that computer’s history if I remember.

update Here’s my home computer:

FrewSchmidt2 [10021] ~ % history -n 1 | awk {'print $1'} | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -rn | head
   1917 git
    981 rm
    831 perl
    801 vi
    795 cd
    344 ls
    327 svn
    289 sudo
    233 mv
    201 cp
Posted Mon, Apr 5, 2010

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