Concert of the Month: Astronautalis
Saturday night my roommate and another friend went to see Astronautalis. He was actually sandwiched between Valina and The Paper Chase
. Valina was a generic rock band that I can’t imagine ever going to see just for them. They just didn’t seem to bring anything special to the table. The Paper Chase were Dissonant Rock and most of their songs sounded the same. We left after their fourth song I think.
But Astronautalis’ show was awesome. I’ve never been to a rap concert per se, so some of the things that I note are probably typical, but on the other hand, Astronautalis’ music isn’t like most rap (evidenced by the fact that I like it.) He first came on stage and greeted us all. He has a little routine he does around the songs, which isn’t that unusual, except for the fact that his routines turn into freestyle rap sometimes, which was pretty cool. He gave us advice that to survive in these tough economic times we should steal from people, or more specifically, family and friends, because unlike strangers, family and friends won’t ask questions. It was pretty hilarious. So then he went on to do various recorded songs, most of them from Pomegranate.
Basically he would play the track from his laptop and rap/sing the song. He had a ton of energy while he was performing. He looked like he was gonna get an aneurysm and moved his hands around a lot to symbolize the lyrics. It was awesome.
About halfway through the show he did a freestyle (and asked the audience for topics) and nailed it. I was surprised that his lyrical style (very much like that of Collin Melloy’s: almost mythical, with a moral to the story) came through loud and clear despite the fact that he was making up the lyrics on the spot. Again, this may be typical of rap music, but I was still surprised.
It was a really cheap show too, $14 at the door, so that was awesome. When we left The Paper Chase we went to talk to Astronautalis where he was selling merch. He seemed like a cool guy and we all got to shake his hand and buy a couple of his albums. Next time he is in Dallas I am definitely going to see him again. It was a great show.
Posted Tue, May 12, 2009If you're interested in being notified when new posts are published, you can subscribe here; you'll get an email once a week at the most.