DBI Caller Info

At ZipRecruiter we have a system for appending metadata to queries generated by DBIx::Class. About a month ago I posted about bolting timeouts onto MySQL and in the referenced code I mentioned parsing said metadata. We are depending on that metadata more and more to set accurate timeouts on certain page types.

Adding Metadata to DBI Queries

Because of our increased dependence on query metadata, I decided today that I’d look into setting the metadata at the DBI layer instead of the DBIx::Class layer. This not only makes debugging certain queries easier, but more importantly allows us to give extra grace to queries coming from certain contexts.

First we define the boilerplate packages:

package ZR::DBI;

use 5.14.0;
use warnings;

use base 'DBI';

use ZR::DBI::db;
use ZR::DBI::st;

package ZR::DBI::st;

use 5.14.0;
use warnings;

use base 'DBI::st';


Next we intercept the prepare method. In this example we only grab the innermost call frame. At work we not only walk backwards based on a regex on the filename; we also have a hash that adds extra data, like what controller and action are being accessed when in a web context.

package ZR::DBI::db;

use 5.14.0;
use warnings;

use base 'DBI::db';

use JSON::XS ();

sub prepare {
  my $self = shift;
  my $stmt = shift;

  my ($class, $file, $line, $sub) = caller();

  $stmt .= " -- ZR_META: " . encode_json({
    class => $class,
    file  => $file,
    line  => $line,
    sub   => $sub,
  }) . "\n";

  $self->SUPER::prepare($stmt, @_);


Finally use the subclass:

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password, {
    RaiseError         => 1,
    AutoCommit         => 1,

    RootClass          => 'ZR::DBI',

The drawback of the above is that it could (and maybe is?) destroying the caching of prepared statements. In our system that doesn’t seem to be very problematic, but I suspect it depends on RDBMS and workload. Profile your system before blindly following these instructions.

Wow that’s all there is to it! I expected this to be a lot of work, but it turns out Tim Bunce had my back and made this pretty easy. It’s pretty great when something as central as database access has been standardized!

Posted Wed, Jun 8, 2016

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