Stupid Default Alerts for cronjobs

Today I whipped up an initial default set of cronjobs for all of our teams at ZipRecruiter. It was almost trivial and will get most teams started on at least not-terrible alerting. Neat.

I’ve written about cronjobs at ZR before. The previous post (from a little over a year ago) was more about subduing the crontab beast by replacing the cron email alerting system with something driven by logs. That was a huge improvement. We are moving to Kubernetes now and the email based alerting is not an option for a couple of reasons:

  1. The CronJob thing in k8s doesn’t automatically email based on output
  2. sometimes things in k8s will fail silently

The second reason above is actually true in all environments, but with static virtual machines you can get things very reliable such that things almost never fail. This might sound like a good thing, but the actual result is complacency: people assume that error logs (for example) will be sufficient.

Consider though, a configuration error that ends up meaning your cronjob never ran at all. When this happens you won’t get an error, things will just not run till someone notices. This should make it clear that the best way to monitor something is to actually monitor (and alert on) the results of what you are doing, rather than exit code, error logs, or whatever else.

On the other hand, we (ZR) have over two hunderd “managed” cronjobs. Managed means they are automatically deployed to servers that match certain characteristics and are owned by certain teams. Because we have this huge amount of cronjobs, we (my team) can do just a little bit of work to get better monitoring of the jobs than just emailing on failure (either at failure time or in a daily report.)

First we wrote a tool called cr8s (cron + k8s) that wraps all managed cronjobs. If a job is properly managed, cr8s will send two simple metrics to a prometheus pushgateway on success:

  1. The duration of the job
  2. The unix timestamp when the job succeeded

Next we suggest that teams create prometheus alertrules like the following:

time() - cronjob_successful_completion_timestamp{job="my-cool-cronjob"} > 24 * 60 * 60

The above would trigger an alert if your cronjob has been failing for a full day.

Finally, we generated a default set of alertrules for all of the managed cronjobs. The gist is that we parse the cron spec (with, measure the duration between two events, and pick the smallest duration in a given crontab. That’s the alert duration expressed above for each crontab. Here’s the code:

func minimumDurationForCronjob(specParser cron.Parser, path string) (string, string, time.Duration, error) {
	f, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", time.Duration(0), err
	defer f.Close()

	s := bufio.NewScanner(f)

	var min time.Duration

	// 0   1      2             3   4   5
	// etc/cron.d/core-services/dev/act/run-list-log-files
	p := strings.Split(path, "/")
	if len(p) != 6 {
		return "", "", 0, fmt.Errorf("Wrong number of segments in path (%d)", len(p))
	team := p[2]
	tab := p[5]

	for s.Scan() {
		l := s.Text()

		f := strings.Fields(l)

		if l == "" || strings.HasPrefix(l, "#") {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(l, "@") {
			l = f[0]
		} else {
			if len(f) < 6 {
			l = strings.Join(f[:5], " ")

		sched, err := specParser.Parse(l)
		if err != nil {
			return "", "", 0, fmt.Errorf("coudln't parse %s: %s", s.Text(), err)

		n1 := sched.Next(time.Now())
		n2 := sched.Next(n1)
		delta := n2.Sub(n1)
		if min == 0 || min > delta {
			min = delta

	return team, tab, min, nil

Then we just build a little template and create the alerts for all the jobs. To be clear this is a one time, very scrappy set of alerts. These alerts should be replaced with monitoring of results, as discussed above, but this should take pressure off teams that are already busy with other infrastructure work being put on their plates.

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Posted Wed, May 15, 2019

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