Direct Observation with Go Tooling

Today I investigated a hunch using some nice tooling built into the Go compiler.

At work I’m building a tool that will generate nginx config to act as a dispatcher for all of our various software that the external world interacts with. A bunch of this work has been done, with other goals, in ingress-nginx, so I’ve been using bits and pieces of the code from that project as a jumping off point.

Today I found this section:

func NewBufferPool(s int) *BufferPool {
	return &BufferPool{
		Pool: sync.Pool{
			New: func() interface{} {
				b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, s)) // create *bytes.Buffer
				b.Reset()                             // reset it
				return b

The comments are mine, and are the relevant lines for this blog post. I had a hunch that the above could be written both more neatly and actually perform better as:

b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, s))

That’s making a zero length byte slice, but with a capacity of s. The Go compiler has surprised me before but optimizing away silly stuff (like setting fields in maps to their zero value, like someone would do in Python) so I figured I’d check to be sure.

First I created a little test program:

package main

import (

func main() {
	s := 1024
	p := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, s))
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p)

Running the above produces &bytes.Buffer{buf:[]uint8{}, off:0, lastRead:0}, but that’s not actually what I am interested in. Go ships with a tool to display the actual assembly (or some vague layer atop assembly) of the built code. Using go tool objdump -S -s main.main ./binary we can get the full assembly of a given function. Here’s a subset of the output from that:

        p := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, s))
  0x48ec81              488d0518170100          LEAQ 0x11718(IP), AX
  0x48ec88              48890424                MOVQ AX, 0(SP)
  0x48ec8c              48c744240800000000      MOVQ $0x0, 0x8(SP)
  0x48ec95              48c744241000040000      MOVQ $0x400, 0x10(SP)
  0x48ec9e              e8fddefaff              CALL runtime.makeslice(SB)
  0x48eca3              488b442418              MOVQ 0x18(SP), AX
  0x48eca8              4889442450              MOVQ AX, 0x50(SP)
func NewBuffer(buf []byte) *Buffer { return &Buffer{buf: buf} }
  0x48ecad              488d0dcc1c0200          LEAQ 0x21ccc(IP), CX
  0x48ecb4              48890c24                MOVQ CX, 0(SP)
  0x48ecb8              e8a3caf7ff              CALL runtime.newobject(SB)
  0x48ecbd              488b7c2408              MOVQ 0x8(SP), DI
  0x48ecc2              48c7471000040000        MOVQ $0x400, 0x10(DI)
  0x48ecca              833d2fdf0e0000          CMPL $0x0, runtime.writeBarrier(SB)
  0x48ecd1              0f858d000000            JNE 0x48ed64
  0x48ecd7              488b442450              MOVQ 0x50(SP), AX
  0x48ecdc              488907                  MOVQ AX, 0(DI)
  0x48ecdf              90                      NOPL
        b.buf = b.buf[:0]
  0x48ece0              48c7470800000000        MOVQ $0x0, 0x8(DI) = 0
  0x48ece8              48c7471800000000        MOVQ $0x0, 0x18(DI)
        b.lastRead = opInvalid
  0x48ecf0              c6472000                MOVB $0x0, 0x20(DI)
        fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p)

My plan was to diff the old and the new, but with all the offsets in place I new that wouldn’t work, so I made a tool to filter the above output to be at least slightly more stable:


go tool objdump -S -s main.main $1 | perl -p -e "s/^\s+0x[0-9a-f]{6}\t+[0-9a-f]+\t+/\t\t/"

Using that my output becomes:

func NewBuffer(buf []byte) *Buffer { return &Buffer{buf: buf} }
                LEAQ 0x21ccc(IP), CX
                MOVQ CX, 0(SP)
                CALL runtime.newobject(SB)
                MOVQ 0x8(SP), DI
                MOVQ $0x400, 0x10(DI)
                CMPL $0x0, runtime.writeBarrier(SB)
                JNE 0x48ed64
                MOVQ 0x50(SP), AX
                MOVQ AX, 0(DI)
        b.buf = b.buf[:0]
                MOVQ $0x0, 0x8(DI) = 0
                MOVQ $0x0, 0x18(DI)
        b.lastRead = opInvalid
                MOVB $0x0, 0x20(DI)
        fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p)

I built the old binary and named it reset with go build -o reset, created the new version (code below) and named it noreset with go build -o noreset.

package main

import (

func main() {
	s := 1024
	p := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, s))
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p)

Finally, I diff’d the two, to see if indeed my version would be different (and hopefully skip unneeded steps) by running diff -U5 <(simpledump reset) <(simpledump noreset). Here’s the relevant section of the diff:

 func NewBuffer(buf []byte) *Buffer { return &Buffer{buf: buf} }
                LEAQ 0x21ccc(IP), CX
                MOVQ CX, 0(SP)
                CALL runtime.newobject(SB)
                MOVQ 0x8(SP), DI
-               MOVQ $0x400, 0x8(DI)
                MOVQ $0x400, 0x10(DI)
                CMPL $0x0, runtime.writeBarrier(SB)
-               JNE 0x48ed6c
+               JNE 0x48ed4b
                MOVQ 0x50(SP), AX
                MOVQ AX, 0(DI)
-       fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p)
-               NOPL
-       b.buf = b.buf[:0]
-               MOVQ $0x0, 0x8(DI)
- = 0
-               MOVQ $0x0, 0x18(DI)
-       b.lastRead = opInvalid
-               MOVB $0x0, 0x20(DI)
                XORPS X0, X0
                MOVUPS X0, 0x58(SP)
-               LEAQ 0x2dd55(IP), AX
+               LEAQ 0x2dd76(IP), AX
                MOVQ AX, 0x58(SP)
                MOVQ DI, 0x60(SP)
        return Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a...)

As I’d expected, the new version is actually simpler, but barely. My hunch is that this would not actually affect performance unless something else is wrong, but the code is neater, works, and is slightly simpler. Cool.

Side note: I’m not totally sure why the fmt.Printf call evaporates. My only guess is that stuff gets short enough to be inlined, but I really don’t know.

If you are interested in learning Go, this is my recommendation:

(The following includes affiliate links.)

If you don’t already know Go, you should definitely check out The Go Programming Language. It’s not just a great Go book but a great programming book in general with a generous dollop of concurrency.

Another book to consider learning Go with is Go Programming Blueprints. It has a nearly interactive style where you write code, see it get syntax errors (or whatever,) fix it, and iterate. A useful book that shows that you don’t have to get all of your programs perfectly working on the first compile.

Posted Thu, Oct 10, 2019

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