Optimizing my Workflow for Go

I spent about four hours programming on a plane last week; thanks to good tools it was fun and easy.

I blogged before about our Kubernetes validation tooling. Since that blog post the tool has been significantly upgraded thanks to the efforts of C Anthony Risinger and Joshua Pollack, using a JSON Schema validator plus some JSON Patches to add our own policy to the original Kubernetes Schema. The implication is that instead of weird Go code we just write a JSON Patch to the schema to do some validation. Here’s an example Patch that disallows using :latest for an image on a container:

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Container/allOf/-",
    "value": {
      "if": {
        "properties": {
          "image": {
            "pattern": ":latest$"
      "then": {
        "dependencies": {
          "image": ["$error,format:image images must not use ':latest'"]

(Side note: I believe we have extended JSON Schema or maybe used it creatively to inject errors, so if the $error bit above looks odd, that’s why.)

After my last blog post about tests I decided that, before my next major task on this tool, I would write some basic but solid tests for this project. I wrote the following test:

var defines = map[string]string{
	"docker-repo":   "docker-repo",
	"default-image": "foo:bar",
	"start-time":    "now",

func TestTailoredResources(t *testing.T) {
	type trtest struct {
		name          string
		newErr, trErr *regexp.Regexp

	trtests := []trtest{{
		name: "passing",
	}, {
		name:   "no-dash",
		newErr: regexp.MustCompile("https://wiki.zr.org/Apps#app-name"),
	}, {
		name:  "wrong_namespace",
		trErr: regexp.MustCompile("need=testdata--wrong-namespace"),
	}, {
		name:  "invalid_manifest",
		trErr: regexp.MustCompile("property made-up-key is not allowed"),
	}, {
		name:  "invalid_app",
		trErr: regexp.MustCompile("backoffLimit is required"),

	for _, test := range trtests {
		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			a, err := New(filepath.Join("testdata", test.name), "k1", defines, 1)
			// ...

The Go test harness will automatically chdir into the package, and a directory named testdata is ignored by the go tooling. I was then able to put apps in testdata/$testname. Within the app in question I have a golden.yaml which contains the expected, built manifest which includes all of the epoxy transforms applied. I can run go test -update to regenerate those files after making changes to epoxy.

The newErr and trErr fields are regexen that match the errors that come from New and TailoredResources. A nil regexp means we assert no error, otherwise we assert the error matches the regexp. Our errors are actually structured but this was easy and verified what I care about for now.

The actual tests are carefully written to go through a handful of categories for the code:

  • passing
  • failure in New
  • failure before validating the manifest
  • failure because the manifest is invalid given the stock k8s schema
  • failure because the manifest is invalid given our patches on the k8s schema

I don’t have a test for every single patch and think that is overkill.

The above tests exercise a little over 75% of the package that does the manifest work and a little over 50% of the entire set of packages in the config/epoxy project. That, plus the static typing of Go, tells me that if the tests pass, my change is good.

My primary goal here was to allow some apps to have a different set of patches applied to the schema. After the tests above were written I needed to start refactoring the code. It was originally written such that schema patches came from an in memory file system, and they were chosen inside of the validator, rather than during app creation. I decided that I would refactor the code and git add . every time the tests pass, committing once my changes were at a meaningful checkpoint.

My first step was to open a separate terminal window so I could easily see results of tests, and to run the following command:

minotaur . -- sh -c 'date; go test -coverprofile=$HOME/prof.prof -v ./...'

This would run all of the epoxy tests, including a date before the tests so that I could be sure I was looking at a recent run rather than the prior run, and emit some basic coverage information. While trying to increase coverage by removing dead code I changed the command to:

minotaur . -- sh -c 'date;
   go test -coverprofile=$HOME/prof.prof -coverpkg=./... -v ./...; go tool cover -func $HOME/prof.prof'

Same basic deal, but we get more coverage info and a report is written to the console. With minotaur running my tests every time I ran my code I was able to quickly make changes, see if they worked, stage them in git, or if they didn’t work see git diff and reason about what had broken since my last set of changes.

I worked like this for nearly four hours straight. For the first three hours I mostly spent time simplifying the code by removing special cases that either never or always got exercized, variables that only got used in logs, functions that were used but could be inlined manually for clarity, etc. I can’t quite quantify the results but I can describe some.

In one case I took a function that returned five values and changed it to return three, since two values ere unconditionally ignored. I took types like ValidationFuncMap and replaced them with map[string]ValidationFunc, because the latter is more clear and the former was simply a shortcut rather than a way to add methods to the type. Originally the schemas were on a struct that contained a schema map, but the map only ever had two schemata. I replaced the map with two fields in the struct. This both clarifies the code and adds compile time safety.

All in all it was about 350 lines of changes, much of which was an interface reduction and increase in readability due to more clarity within fuctions. After all that was done and the interface was how I wanted it, I added a test that would fail for our old set of schema patches, but should pass with the new set of patches. I watched it fail, added the new patches, and saw it pass.

I did a touch of cleanup after this, to ensure that maintaining the patches would be easy, but ultimately that was easy and just tying off loose ends so I could put this out of mind and dive into the next project clear headed.

I found this all very rewarding. It was especially pleasant because it was the one outstanding work task I had on my plate while traveling to visit family and I was able to get it done on the plane. ZipRecruiter would have been fine if I had not done it, but it allowed me to fully relax while at home.

This post is written leveraging the Go programming language and tooling; with that in mind, if you are interested in learning Go, this is my recommendation:

(The following includes affiliate links.)

If you don’t already know Go, you should definitely check out The Go Programming Language. It’s not just a great Go book but a great programming book in general with a generous dollop of concurrency.

Another book to consider learning Go with is Go Programming Blueprints. It has a nearly interactive style where you write code, see it get syntax errors (or whatever,) fix it, and iterate. A useful book that shows that you don’t have to get all of your programs perfectly working on the first compile.

Posted Wed, Apr 3, 2019

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