Productive Weekend
I got a bunch of random stuff done this weekend.
I wrote
which are stupid wrappers around fmt -w80
that ignore blog metadata and my
email signature, respectively. This was after trying to figure out what to do
with this:
'paragraphs' 'para' string (default "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp")
Specifies the nroff macros that separate paragraphs. These are pairs
of two letters (see |object-motions|).
Writing a script is a hack, but learning how to handle the above sounds like a waste of time.
I updated my amygdala to immediately deliver messages from the past (basically when my laptop comes back online,) deliver x11 notifications, and support the words “noon” and “midnight” in reminder input.
I added a very basic accesslog to the leatherman’s srv
I built a little vim command that would let me cycle through my quickfix, rather than hittin a wall at the end:
command! Ccycle call Ccycle()
function Ccycle()
if getqflist({ 'idx': 1 }).idx == len(getqflist())
exe 'cfirst'
exe 'cnext'
And this is all on top of setting up an s3 hosted website so my father-in-law wouldn’t have to deal with scummy web hosts who keep ghosting his company.
All in all a pretty productive weekend!
Posted Mon, Jun 17, 2019If you're interested in being notified when new posts are published, you can subscribe here; you'll get an email once a week at the most.