Putting MySQL in Timeout
At work we are working hard to scale our service to serve more users and have fewer outages. Exciting times!
One of the main problems we’ve had since I arrived is that MySQL 5.6 doesn’t really support query timeouts. It has stall timeouts, but if a query takes too long there’s not a great way to cancel it. I worked on resolving this a few months ago and was disapointed that I couldn’t seem to come up with a good solution that was simple enough to not scare me.
A couple weeks ago we hired a new architect (Aaron Hopkins) and he, along with some ideas from my boss, Bill Hamlin, came up with a pretty elegant and simple way to tackle this.
The solution is in two parts, the client side, and a reaper. On the client you simply set a stall timeout; this example is Perl but any MySQL driver should expose these connection options:
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbd:mysql:...', 'zr', $password, {
mysql_read_timeout => 2 * 60,
mysql_write_timeout => 2 * 60,
This will at the very least cause the client to stop waiting if the database disappears. If the client is doing a query and pulling rows down over the course of 10 minutes, but is getting a new row every 30s, this will not help.
To resolve the above problem, we have a simple reaper script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use JSON;
use Linux::Proc::Net::TCP;
use Sys::Hostname;
my $actual_host = hostname();
my $max_timeout = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
$max_timeout = 2 * 60 * 60 if $actual_host eq 'db-master';
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
RaiseError => 1
mysql_read_timeout => 30,
mysql_write_timeout => 30,
my $sql = <<'SQL';
SELECT pl.id, pl.host, pl.time, pl.info
FROM information_schema.processlist pl
WHERE pl.command NOT IN ('Sleep', 'Binlog Dump') AND
pl.user NOT IN ('root', 'system user') AND
pl.time >= 2 * 60
while (1) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
my $connections;
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
kill_query($row, 'max-timeout') if $row->{time} >= $max_timeout;
if (my ($json) = ($row->{info} =~ m/ZR_META:\s+(.*)$/)) {
my $data = decode_json($json);
kill_query($row, 'web-timeout') if $data->{catalyst_app};
$connections ||= live_connections();
kill_query($row, 'zombie') unless $connections->{$row->{host}}
sleep 1;
sub kill_query {
my ($row, $reason) = @_;
no warnings 'exiting';
warn sprintf "killing «%s», reason %s\n", $row->{info}, $reason;
$dbh->do("KILL CONNECTION ?", undef, $row->{id}) unless $opt->noaction;
sub live_connections {
my $table = Linux::Proc::Net::TCP->read;
return +{
map { $_->rem_address . ':' . $_->local_port => 1 }
grep $_->st eq 'ESTABLISHED',
There are a lot of subtle details in the above script; so I’ll do a little bit of exposition. First off, the reaper runs directly on the database server. We define the absolute maximum timeout based on the hostname of the machine, with 2 days being the timeout for reporting and read-only minions, and 2 hours being the timeout for the master.
The SQL query grabs all running tasks, but ignores a certain set of tasks. Importantly, we have to whitelist a couple users because one (root) is where extremely long running DDL takes place and the other (system user) is doing replication, basically constantly.
We iterate over the returned queries, immediately killing those that took longer than the maximum timeout. Any queries that our ORM (DBIx::Class) generated have a little bit of logging appended as a comment with JSON in it. We can use that to tweak the timeout further; initially by choking down web requests to a shorter timeout, and later we’ll likely allow users to set a custom timeout directly in that comment.
Finally, we kill queries whose client has given up the ghost. I did a test a while ago where I started a query and then killed the script doing the query, and I could see that MySQL kept running the query. I can only assume that this is because it could have been some kind of long running UPDATE or something. I expect the timeouts will be the main cause of query reaping, but this is a nice stopgap that could pare down some pointless crashed queries.
I am very pleased with this solution. I even think that if we eventually switch
to Aurora all except the zombie
checking will continue to work.
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