How to replace your CyanogenMod Kernel for Fun and Profit

I’ve recently been on a journey of discovery with respect to “observability” tools. I’m sure many other Linux users have felt the lust after DTrace that first the relatively obscure Solaris (and kids) and now the totally non-obscure OSX users have. After watching various presentations about DTrace features I’ve kept my ear open for features that are similar on Linux. Last month I posted about strace and sysdig. Both strace and sysdig are pretty coarse compared to what can be done with DTrace, though both are pretty great.

Some time last week I was reading Julia Evans’ Blog post about perf. I followed her bread crumbs to Brendan Gregg’s Perf Page. I went on to read myriad posts and slides by Gregg that made me hungry to learn more about perf and eventaully ftrace. See more links in the bibliography.

I can’t say much about either perf or ftrace yet, but I can say that the place where I get the most inexplicable performance results are on my phone. So after reading all those posts about a low-level observability tool that should work on nearly any vesion of Linux, I set out to try it out on my phone.

🔗 Building custom kernels for CyanogenMod

My phone runs on CyanogenMod, which has a fairly well put together set of documents on how to build your own ROM or even replacement kernel. I followed the instructions linked, but had to deviate in a handful of places. I’ll list the variations and notes for myself here.

First off, once you get to the step where you source build/, you need to be running bash. I use zsh normally so this didn’t work for me for a while for no obvious reason.

Instead of manually extracting the proprietary blobs, someone on irc mentioned that an easier way was to put the following XML in .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml:

<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" />

As alluded to above, all I really wanted to do was tweak the kernel config to enable CONFIG_FTRACE. The way I did that was to enter the directory the kernel source is in: ~/android/system/kernel/samsung/smdk4412, then copied the default config for my phone (arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_t0lte_defconfig) to .config. After that I could run make menuconfig as normal. For ease of examination I forked the kernel repo and stored the distinct changes I made to the config here.

After making tweaks with make menuconfig, I copied .config back to arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_t0lte_defconfig. To build the boot image I ran the following set of commands (which I put in a bash script:)


set -e

cd ~/android/system
make clean
cd kernel/samsung/smdk4412
make mrproper
cd ~/android/system
make -j8 bootimage

Note that I do not use mka. Some of the android build manuals recommend mka, but I found it was much less reliable than regular make, so I abandoned it.

🔗 Installing the custom kernel on Samsung devices

This was not only the scariest, but most frustrating part of the whole process. The CyanogenMod docs mention using installboot, but for reasons I have yet to figure out that didn’t work for me. I suspect because I didn’t build a whole ROM but just the kernel. Anyway PsychoI3oy on #cyanogenmod-dev mentioned that heimdall would be the easiest way to install the ROM. Unlike Ye Olde Odin, heimdall is open source and thus is happily in the Ubuntu repos. So I just installed heimdall (sudo apt-get install heimdall-flash), booted my phone into download mode (HOLD VolDown + Power + Home, then VolUp when you see the prompt), download the PITfile (it’s sorta like a partition table? sudo heimdall download-pit --file t0lte.pit), boot into download mode again, and upload the boot image: sudo heimdall flash --pit ~/t0lte.pit --BOOT ~/android/system/out/target/product/t0lte/boot.img. Note that the string BOOT can be found by looking at heimdall print-pit --file t0lte.pit

After installing the boot image, you still need to install the related modules. In my case everything except for wifi worked fine without the modules, but still, you need wifi. So after boot, you enable debug mode by clicking ‘Settings -> About Phone -> Build Number’ a million times, then enable adb, then run the following commands:

adb root
adb remount
for i in $OUT/system/lib/modules/*;
    adb push $i /system/lib/modules/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/*

🔗 Profit!

After installing the new kernel, I fired up the Terminal Emulator and ran a few commands to see some basic tracing in action just so I could know it’s working:

cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
echo function > current_tracer
cat trace
# tracer: function
#              | |       |          |         |
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905602: get_pageblock_flags_group <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905604: free_hot_cold_page <-__pagevec_free
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905605: free_pages_prepare <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905606: get_pageblock_flags_group <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905608: free_hot_cold_page <-__pagevec_free
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905609: free_pages_prepare <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905611: get_pageblock_flags_group <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905612: free_hot_cold_page <-__pagevec_free
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905613: free_pages_prepare <-free_hot_cold_page
              GC-7351  [003]  2168.905615: get_pageblock_flags_group <-free_hot_cold_page

echo function_graph > current_tracer
cat trace
# tracer: function_graph
#     TIME        CPU  DURATION                  FUNCTION CALLS
#      |          |     |   |                     |   |   |   |
 1)   1.792 us    |                            } /* _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore */
 1) + 13.792 us   |                          } /* samsung_gpiolib_4bit_input */
 1) + 31.041 us   |                        } /* gpio_direction_input */
 1) + 34.292 us   |                      } /* i2c_gpio_setscl_dir */
 1)               |                      i2c_gpio_getscl() {
 1)               |                        __gpio_get_value() {
 1)   2.209 us    |                          s3c_gpiolib_get();
 1)   5.709 us    |                        }
 1)   9.250 us    |                      }
 1) + 54.000 us   |                    } /* sclhi */
 1)               |                    i2c_gpio_getsda() {
 1)               |                      __gpio_get_value() {
 1)   2.291 us    |                        s3c_gpiolib_get();
 1)   5.542 us    |                      }
 1)   9.083 us    |                    }
 1)               |                    i2c_gpio_setscl_dir() {
 1)               |                      gpio_direction_output() {
 1)               |                        _raw_spin_lock_irqsave() {
 1)   1.917 us    |                          __raw_spin_lock_irqsave();
 1)   5.167 us    |                        }
 1)   1.750 us    |                        gpio_ensure_requested();

echo nop > current_tracer

🔗 Problems

Unsurprisngly the above tracing slows the phone down noticably. function does a little, function_graph does a lot. You can filter the traced functions though so that it’s not as hardcore. I’ll leave that for another post, but a lot can be done to hone in on what you really care about.

The other frustrating thing is that Android for my phone is pinned to version 3.0 of the Linux kernel. While 3.0 works and can do the tracing I want to do, there are some really nice additions to tracing in the kernel since then. Apparently some builds of Android have newer kernels. Maybe something to keep an eye out for?

🔗 Close

And that’s it! None of the stuff I did in this post was actually that difficult, but figuring out what to do when I was stuck got frustrating at times. I’m really excited to work on ftrace stuff to figure out what’s actually going on on my phone and learn more about the Linux kernel.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Note: I intend to update the bibliography over time as I find more resources that help me with ftrace, so consider checking back.

(The following includes affiliate links.)

The one resource I’d link to that’s related to this topic is Brendan Gregg’s Systems Performance. At the very least that book will teach you to understand what you are looking for when using advanced tools like perf or ftrace.

The Linux Programming Interface could also be relevant, for the relatively advanced stuff that perf and ftrace can allow you to do or track.

🔗 Bibliography

Julia Evans’ Post which started this whole thing

🔗 Steve Rostedt’s articles on LWN about Ftrace (Rostedt is the author of Ftrace)

🔗 Brendan Gregg’s Stuff

  • perf page
  • perf-tools page - a set of lightweight “frontends” to perf_events and Ftrace.
  • Linux Performance Page - this page has a TON of resources linked from it. If you want to learn a ton, consider starting here and really grokking it all
Posted Thu, Aug 28, 2014

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