Screen Scrape for Love with Web::Scraper

My fiancée and I have not yet picked out a date for our wedding, but we do know that we want it outdoors. We have scoped out a number of locations that can handle indoor and outdoor weddings just in case there is bad weather, but we’d prefer to have perfect weather.

After some searching I found NOAA’s NSSL, which has ridiculous amounts of data. Instead of most websites, which give you the average high temperature and average low temperature for a given day of the year from the past three years, this gives hourly measurements for basically anything back to 1910. Of course some stations are newer and whatnot, but it’s a lot of data.

Their website only lets you get one day of data at a time, so I wrote a screen scraper using the excellent Web::Scraper. Here’s most of it:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl;
use JSON;
use URI;
use Web::Scraper;

my %data_to_grab = (
  SMPH => 'wind-speed',
  TMPF => 'temperature',
  RELH => 'humidity',

my $data_str = join ';', sort keys %data_to_grab;

my $weather = scraper {
    # there isn't a class, so we find the table with width 90
    process "table[width=90] tr", "datas[]" => scraper {
      process "td:nth-child(2)", 'when' => 'TEXT';
      my $i = 2;
      for (sort keys %data_to_grab) {
         process "td:nth-child($i)", $data_to_grab{$_} => 'TEXT';

sub moar_data {
   my ($y, $m, $d) = @_;
   my $res = $weather->scrape( URI->new(sprintf '', $y, $m, $d, $y, $m, $d, $data_str));

   warn sprintf "%4i-%02i-%02i\n", $y, $m, $d;
   sleep 3 + rand(2);
   grep {
      # undefined when means there wasn't actualy an observation
      defined $_->{when} &&
      # ignore headers
      $_->{when} ne 'YYMMDD/HHMM'
   } @{$res->{datas}}

my @end = (
   map {
      my $year = $_;
      (map { moar_data($year, 9, $_) } (1..30)),
      (map { moar_data($year, 10, $_) } (1..31)),
   } ( 1990..2010 )

print to_json(\@end, { pretty => 1 });

The scraper object grabs a bunch of the data from TD’s in the table, skipping the first TD. I made the moar_data function which just takes year, month, day so that I could get more data. It outputs all the data as json, my prefered data format.

If you did the math at home, you realized this is a ridiculous amount of observations; something along the lines of 14 thousand observations. That means you can’t just look at it. So I also wrote a little tool to slice and dice the data. Check it out:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl;
use JSON;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use Statistics::Basic qw(mean stddev);

my $field = $ARGV[0];

die "please choose a field to research" unless $field;
die "$field is not a valid field!" unless grep { $_ eq $field }
   qw(wind-speed temperature humidity);

# expected format:
#   [
#      {
#        wind-speed => 123,
#        temperature => 123,
#        when    => 'YYMMDD/HHMM',
#      },
#      ...
#   ]

my $data = from_json(do {
   local $/ = undef;
   open my $fh, 'weather.json';

# final format:
# MMDD/HHMM => [{...}],
my %by_day;

for (@$data) {
  my $when = $_->{when};
  $when =~ s/^\d\d//; # remove the year part
  $by_day{$when} = [] unless $by_day{$when};
  push @{$by_day{$when}}, $_;

say 'datetime ,mean ,stddev,min,max ';
for (sort keys %by_day) {
   my @list = map $_->{$field}, grep {
      # this is weird, -9999.00 is apparently what they used
      # before they had undef?
      defined $_->{$field} &&
      $_->{$field} != -9999.00
   } @{$by_day{$_}};
   my $avg    = sprintf '%3.2f', mean \@list;
   my $min    = sprintf '%3.2f', min @list;
   my $max    = sprintf '%3.2f', max @list;
   my $stddev = sprintf '%3.2f', stddev \@list;
   say "$_,$avg,$stddev,$min,$max";

Anyway, this was a fun project and a nice little valentines day surprise. Hope someone finds it useful :-)

Posted Fri, Feb 18, 2011

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