Supervisors and Init Systems: Part 3

This post is a continuation of my series about suprevisors. The first post was about the most basic supervisors. The second post was about some more advanced, but still basically traditional supervisors. This post is about some more unusual options.

In the previous posts the supervisors in question were fairly similar; I can only assume it’s because of the obvious djb heritage. These are all completely dissimilar.

🔗 ubic

I wouldn’t have discussed this, except that someone on twitter directly asked me about it, so I figured I’d look into it. Ubic is a service framework written in Perl. I haven’t used it myself though I do have friends who have. I didn’t have a lot of time to fully digest it, so if I get something completely wrong, I apologize for that.

First off, ubic is not really a supervisor. A supervisor follows a fairly specific model where it at a minimum:

  • runs the child service
  • watches for a SIGCHLD to immediately react to a crash

And, preferably and additionally:

  • holds pipes
  • maintains a logger service to read from the pipes

Again, the talk may be a good refresher. Ubic as far as I can tell does literally none of these things, and instead implements traditional SystemV init scripts (ie double forking etc) in Perl. Additionally, it has some of what I consider to be the worst anti-patterns of service implementations:

  • It uses cron to do the initial bootstrapping
  • Instead of watching for SIGCHLD it runs another service that polls status
  • It can do nothing to ensure that logs go to a logger process, though it tries.

Anyway, if you are using ubic today and it’s working for you, that’s great, but it is really not a supervisor. There are other, simpler, better options. Look forward to another post in this series for a comprehensive set of examples if you’d like to see what each option will look like.

🔗 supervisord

Like Ubic, supervisord is written in a high level language. Specifically it is written in Python. Unlike Ubic, it is actually a supervisor.

That does not mean that I recommend using it.

supervisord has a lot going for it. It has declarative syntax, instead of the typical “pile of executables” that many supervisors use. It provides direct methods of remote administration, so you can bounce a service without needing a shell on the box. These are pretty great features. On the other hand, there are some serious drawbacks to both supervisord and the features, as implemented.

supervisord runs as a single program, supervising one or more processes. This can be done, it’s what perp does, but it’s still a SPOF. supervisord also does the log redirecting itself. It may actually not do any log processing, but that is incredibly limiting, as we’ll discuss in Part 4. On top of the above limitations, it has a couple parsers; one for INI (the config format), one for XML-RPC. The XML-RPC can be used to remotely control supervisord, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a bug or two lurking in there.

And on top of that it has the ability to run a rudimentary web interface which, even if you lock it down, could be a serious vulnerability.

If you ignore all the security fear above, which would be reasonable, another consideration (which we’ll likely discuss in Part 5) is that many other supervisors are written with loving care to never malloc after a certain point, to avoid getting killed under memory pressure. Good luck a supervisor like that in Python.

For all the things I dislike about supervisord, it’s probably fine, but I think there is a better way when you need such features, which I’ll discuss in Part 5 of this series.

🔗 daemonproxy

daemonproxy, which indirectly inspired this blog series, is an oddball but a lovable oddball. The fundamental idea behind daemonproxy is that while you might be interested in customizing your supervision logic, you may not care to write a supervisor or be intimate enough with the Unix process model to do so. So daemonproxy will be a supervisor for you, and you tell it what to do. It uses an extremely simple line based protocol. (To be fair this is a parser and could be vulnerable to various attacks like many other parsers, but it is a much simpler protocol than, for example, XML with something layered on top.)

Unfortunately, while I have used daemonproxy myself and it worked just fine, it is not totally complete, and so even though it has some really interesting ideas, today it is not a replacement for other supervisors.

I would love to see daemonproxy get completed, though the author tells me that even though it abstracts away the actual system calls and whatnot that make a supervisor, the actual logic is not any easier.

On Monday I’ll tackle the really popular supervisors: Upstart and systemd.

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This topic is very unix heavy, so if you are totally lost or would like an in depth refresher, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, by Stevens is a good option.

Similarly, some of the tools above (and many more in later posts) discuss tools that while written for assistance in supervision are useful in isolation. I think that The Unix Programming Environment does a great job diving into tools that are general enough to stand on their own.

Posted Fri, Jul 21, 2017

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