Use Docker to test your code! (and a subtle announcement)
Lately I’ve been working on code to unify disparate SQL into a small set of abstractions. There is a lot to do, and while testing generated SQL is nice, actually running that SQL and examining the results is the best way to test the code.
In the past I would have installed a bunch of database engines locally. More recently I’dve used Travis to test against a bunch of databases. I still think that’s a good idea, but pushing to CI to test your code sucks. CI should be for those who forgot to test their code, basically.
So I finally knuckled down and set up a neat little Docker thing to test against PostgreSQL and MySQL. Using a tutorial I wrote a Dockerfile to make a blank PostgreSQL database and I found a mysql one that I could use out of the box.
So now, instead of running my tests with “prove -lr t”, I can do “dockerprove -lr t”, and it will do the same thing, and run against MySQL and PostgreSQL! Awesome!
At some point I’ll do the same thing for DBIx::Introspector, DBIx::Class, and maybe others. I’d like to make a more generic tool but I’m struggling with how to do that. Ideas are welcome!
Posted Sat, Feb 22, 2014If you're interested in being notified when new posts are published, you can subscribe here; you'll get an email once a week at the most.