Vim File Lists
I have recently been working on honing a lot of my tools, and a coworker, Andrew Ruder, mentioned using Denite.nvim for selecting more than simple directories. I decided to investigate using it instead of builtin file selection mechanisms. I was surprised at the result.
Note: while this post is still worth looking at for comparing how you can define various lists for vim, the performance issues turned out to be unrelated. See my new post for more details.
🔗 The Litmus Test
I’ve mentioned before that I have some
integration of vim and my blog. In this post I am specifically diving into
, the vim command that gets me a chronological list of posts, to aid in
opening a recent post. I have about four hundred blog posts, and a
chronological listing of course will be the biggest listing possible, for my
blog. I have other integrations but this one exercises vim the most.
🔗 QuickFix
This was the original version, mentioned in the post I just linked to.
The script that generates the data is:
exec bin/q --sql 'SELECT filename, title, date FROM articles ORDER BY date DESC' \
--format 'my ($d) = split /T/, $r{date}; "$r{filename}:1:$d $r{title}"'
The vim command is:
command QChrono cexpr system('bin/quick-chrono')
This works well because there is already lots of built in tooling for working with the QuickFix. Problematically, the above is dog slow. The source script takes 150ms; vim takes 19s. That’s absurd.
By the way I also tried using the Location List (lexpr
) in the off chance that
it worked completely differently, despite being the same thing as the QuickFix
really. It was the same.
🔗 The Argument List
I think I first tried using the argument list, not because I thought it would be faster, but because using the QuickFix feels a little like overkill because it includes a line number and I didn’t need a line number for this use-case. Here’s how I did it with the argument list:
function! AChrono()
let l:cmd = 'args `bin/q --sql SELECT\ filename\ FROM\ articles\ ORDER\ BY\ date\ desc`'
exe l:cmd
command! AChrono call AChrono()
Sadly, this is just as slow as the QuickFix. As with the QuickFix I tried using
(the Local Argument List) and it was just as slow.
🔗 Denite.nvim
So next I tried Denite. For the unaware, Denite is a second or third generation fuzzy finder. I have gone through a few of the fuzzy finder variants and had even tried Unite, the progenitor of Denite, but I was too bewildered at it to do more than try the builtin options.
What Denite brings to the table is a very generic framework and an asynchronous foundation. That’s great for things that might be slow, but it also means you need either Neovim or Vim 8 with Python 3 support. Ubuntu 17.04 has Vim 8 with Python 3, but anything older and you will be out of luck. If I do start using Denite for more than the use-case outlined in this post I will likely expend some effort writing some fallbacks using CtrlP for older vims.
So for Denite I started off by defining a source, called blog_chrono
and put
it in rplugin/python3/denite/source/
from .base import Base
import subprocess
from denite.util import abspath
class Source(Base):
def __init__(self, vim):
super().__init__(vim) = 'blog_chrono'
self.kind = 'file'
def gather_candidates(self, context):
out =[
'bin/q', '--sql',
'SELECT filename FROM articles ORDER BY date desc'],
return [{'word': x, 'abbr': x, 'action__path': abspath(self.vim, x) }
for x in out.stdout.decode("ascii").split("\n")]
And then I define a helper command:
command! DChrono Denite blog_chrono
It’s fast enough that I wasn’t able to reasonably be able to time it. Felt like about 500ms.
So while the built in file listings are easy, concise, and powerful, they are very slow. The Denite version is a hassle because, while Python is perfectly harmless, it’s a lot more verbose and has to go in a special weird file, only works with a brand-new vim, etc etc. I will definitely use Denite more and consider this experiment a success. The main thing I’m worried is about investing too heavily in it because these fuzzy finder plugins seem to come and go like JavaScript frameworks.
(The following includes affiliate links.)
If you’d like to learn more about vim, I can recommend two excellent books. I
first learned how to use vi from
Learning the vi and Vim Editors.
The new edition has a lot more information and spends more time on Vim specific
features. It was helpful for me at the time, and the fundamental model of vi is
still well supported in Vim and this book explores that well.
Second, if you really want to up your editing game, check out
Practical Vim.
It’s a very approachable book that unpacks some of the lesser used features in
ways that will be clearly and immediately useful. I periodically review this
book because it’s such a treasure trove of clear hints and tips.
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